Catch a movie

Want to catch a movie?

Become a volunteer with Cinema De Vlugt, a place where all cultures meet, where everybody is welcome and where people unite in their love for cinema.


Become a VOLUNTEER at Cinema De Vlugt!
A place where all cultures meet, where everybody is welcome and where people unite in their love for cinema. Our exciting blend of various activities and movies represents the beautiful melting pot of the different worlds and cultures of our neighbourhood in Amsterdam Nieuw-West.

Visitors of Cinema De Vlugt come to catch a movie and also to relax in our Secret Garden, to enjoy our food and drinks, to have a talk with our staff and sometimes also to work. It is a place where a mix of visitors and conversations arise and where new friendships are made.

What do you do as a volunteer
– at least 1 shift per week *
– at least 1 evening or weekend shift per month *
– selling tickets, food and drinks at the bar
– welcoming and accompanying visitors to the movie hall
– scanning entrance tickets and luggage check at the door
– host/hostess for visitors to the café
– have a social talk with our visitors
– preparing food such as tosti’s, soup and panini’s
– cleaning activities
* 1 shift = 4 hours: preferably fixed times, but everything is negotiable

What can we do for you
– create memories for a lifetime & lots of fun!
– free movies (1+1) at our cinema and many other cinemas in Amsterdam
– discover the world behind the scenes
– employee discount and occasionally nice goodies
– live music once a month
– a diverse and super fun team of all ages, genders and origins
once a year a team outing
– the opportunity to imrove your Dutch

Interested? Please send an e-mail with your cv and a small motivation.

Vacature Kenmerken



Kunst en Cultuur



Wat ga je doen

Gastvrouw/Gastheer, Horeca, Kleine klusjes


Uitjes en gezelligheid


Alleen Engels



Publicatie datum

10 september 2024

Naam contactpersoon

Aafke Elzinga



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