Stichting Bright Future

Stichting Bright Future is a non-profit organisation officially registered in September 2016 in Amstelveen, the Netherlands. Our team of youngsters has launched on the voluntary basis a great number of non-profit and charitable youth events and projects in Europe and neighbouring countries. Our key persons have big experience of active cooperation with various NGO-s and participation in Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges in different countries ( Thanks to the great outcomes of our projects and their tangible impact on the participants and their communities the NGO’s key staff is highly motivated to create and implement different interesting and challenging Solidarity non-profit projects on important and actual topics, actively coopering with the European Union (for more info –
The aim of the organisation is to develop projects for all ages people in the Netherlands and neighbouring European countries (including elderlies, as well young people with health disabilities, fewer opportunities, as well – youngsters from socially and economically damaged layers). Within our projects the volunteers gain experience not only in the Netherlands, but also in other countries. Cooperating with old and new partner organisations within various youth programs (non-profit, as well charitable), in order to establish new and firm relations, international and intercultural network and to use all the gained knowledge and connections within the frame of our activities in the Netherlands, we develop actual and useful projects and activities, promoting the idea of the non-profit organisation. However, this does not constrain us from projects aimed at broader target groups. Bright Future and its volunteers develop and organize projects for and with the youth that stimulates their personal and social growth in Amstelveen. For instance, we implement various Solidarity Projects in the neighborhood for vulnerable groups of people under the EU Solidarity Corps (About our Solidarity Projects:
The Foundation is also active in Amstelveen Connect@ projects. Here you can see events, implemented under the Amstelveen Connect Subsidy in 2022: ;
By developing youth organization, youth and children simultaneously the NGO strives for impact and sustainability, works with all young people, but place a particular emphasis on those, who wouldn’t otherwise have had access to those kind of opportunities, that the NGO offers thanks to its actual projects. The organisation’s interests are not limited in the above mentioned: it also organizes different charitable and educational projects for young people and children with fewer opportunities, from needy families, living in different countries and facing social problems and economic obstacles. Besides, the NGO has an experience of launching fundraising activities to help prospective, but lack of financial resources young people to be able to pay for their University yearly fees in the 3-rd countries, etc.
The NGO’s mission is to promote the values of solidarity and non-formal learning, starting from the belief that development in any country depends not only on economic growth but, above all, on the growth and enhancement of youth’s and children’s abilities and capabilities. So the main aim and mission of the organisation is also to boost the participation and involvement of the youth from Europe and international youth in the European youth initiatives, to inform youngsters from different countries about European educational programs, to involve them in various Youth Exchanges, to give them chance to experience different cultures, actively share personal experience, gain knowledge through Non-Formal Learning (NFL), be involved in different Solidarity and other projects in the neighborhood and in the Netherlands and etc.
Thus Bright Future and its great partners together do their best to give space to the youth in the neighborhood and abroad to get to know with the best existing practices in the spheres of solidarity, active citizenship, democracy, European awareness and volunteering.

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We invite volunteers to experience Social-Media Marketing in multicultural and great international environment (remotely working opportunity). TASKS • Create social-media daily content for Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Tik-Tok; • Making short videos for social-media platforms; • Creation of promotional posters, banners, flyers, etc. •

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