Cooking for a Small Creative Team

A community workshop Noorderhof is a meeting and educational place by the Sloterplas lake in Amsterdam New-West where you can design, create and,share your knowledge while having an enjoyable time.

A community workshop Noorderhof has a beautiful wood and metal workshop where local people and artists work on their own projects. The task for you as a volunteer is to pick up groceries and prepare lunch for the volunteers who work all day on various tasks in and around the community workshop. It is great for the team to have a delicious lunch together in between!

Required knowledge or skills:

You enjoy cooking and preparing a healthy and varied lunch.
You are independent, a go-getter and you enjoy cooking for small groups.

What do you get in return?

– The freedom to try out new dishes.
– By working at the community workshop you get to know creative and skilled people.
– There are fun events every now and that you can attend.

You can make use of the workshop.
– We also have a pizza oven!


Every Wednesday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., and of course you will join us for lunch!

Respond to this vacancy and we will contact you.

Vacature Kenmerken



Duurzaamheid, Educatie, Kunst en Cultuur


Buurtbewoners, Jongeren, Kinderen, LHBTIQ+, Mannen, Ouderen, Vluchtelingen en Statushouders, Volwassenen, Vrouwen

Wat ga je doen

Burenhulp, Gastvrouw/Gastheer, Maaltijdverzorging


Onkostenvergoeding, Scholing, Informatiebijeenkomst, Uitjes en gezelligheid, Persoonlijke begeleiding


Alleen Engels



Publicatie datum

18 april 2024

Naam contactpersoon

Dané Vonk


Buurtwerkplaats Noorderhof aan de Sloterplas in Nieuw-West

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