Help us stock our Menstruation Stations

Join the fight against period poverty in Amsterdam with Neighborhood Feminists! You can make an impact by picking up and dropping off period products to restock our Menstruation Stations across the city.

How you can help
Impact and goal of the organization
In Amsterdam, 27% of those who menstruate face period poverty, which means they lack regular access to necessary period products for healthy menstruation. We address this issue head-on by offering free period products through our Menstruation Stations spread throughout the city. These stations require regular maintenance, including restocking, to ensure they are fully equipped to help those in need. Our initiative not only combats period poverty but also promotes participation and emancipation, providing an enlightening opportunity for volunteers to contribute meaningfully while exploring Amsterdam.

Main tasks
Collecting period products for distribution
Delivering these products to various Menstruation Station locations across Amsterdam
Sorting and pre-packing bags with period products for delivery
Performing maintenance tasks for Menstruation Stations as needed

Duration and frequency
This volunteer opportunity involves frequent assistance, typically occurring once a month
The activities are generally conducted during standard office hours to align with the opening hours of most locations but we can also make adjustments for your availability

Additional info
A valid driver’s license is required, and ideally, volunteers should have access to a car (mileage can be reimbursed). This is due to the lightweight yet bulky nature of the bags of products, making delivery by car recommended
Volunteers will receive an introduction to the issue of period poverty and the organization’s efforts to combat it
Clear, step-by-step information on how to assist will be provided, along with snacks if working at our storage facility
We offer the ability to design made-to-measure events for groups, such as team days, tailored to suit the needs and availability of volunteers

Driving license is necessary
Availability during business hours for a minimum of 3-4 hours per shift.
Own car preferable (but not necessary)

Vacature Kenmerken

Centrum, Nieuw-West, Noord, Oost, Weesp, West, Zuid, Zuid-Oost


Armoedebestrijding, Diversiteit en inclusiviteit, Gezondheid en welzijn, Mensenrechten


Buurtbewoners, Jongeren, Volwassenen, Vrouwen, Culturele minderheden

Wat ga je doen

Burenhulp, Vervoer


Onkostenvergoeding, Inwerktraject, Informatiebijeenkomst, Uitjes en gezelligheid


Goed NL (B2 en hoger), Redelijk NL (A2-B1), Weinig NL (A0-A1)



Publicatie datum

23 februari 2024

Naam contactpersoon

Sara Foughali



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