Helpers needed for the Amsterdam City Swim on September 8th

During the Amsterdam City Swim about 2500 swimmers are raising money for Stichting ALS, and they can use your help! There are many different volunteeroptions available, such as bartender, supervisor for the swimmers in the canals or at a restpoint.

The Amsterdam City Swim is the ultimate open water challenge through the canals of Amsterdam in which around 2,500 swimmers participate. There are many fun features available such as catering, supervisors, registration or runner.

For whom?
The participants try to raise as much money as possible for the ALS Foundation with this sporting challenge. With these funds, the ALS Foundation can finance scientific research into the fatal nerve-muscle disease ALS and improve the quality of life of patients. As long as there is no treatment method for ALS, this is desperately needed.

Your help is needed to make the event a success. Whether you would like to fulfill an active position or prefer a less active position, everyone is welcome and desperately needed. During registration you can apply for the position you are interested in.

Our 300 volunteers from last year stated that they found it really special to contribute to such important and beautiful goal, together with many others. It is fun, the day passes by super quickly and we will end the day with a drink in the sun

What time?
This is up to you! You can let us know what time suits you and how long you are able to join and help.

Reply below and make sure to check your mailbox after (please also check your spam). After applying you will receive an email from VCA with more information and further instructions on how to inform us of your time and job preferences. Please make sure to carefully fill out this form, so we can ensure that you get the job and timeslot you prefer.

Vacature Kenmerken

Centrum, Oost


Gezondheid en welzijn, Sport


Buurtbewoners, Jongeren, Volwassenen

Wat ga je doen

Burenhulp, Gastvrouw/Gastheer, Organiseren en coördineren, Sport en spel


Uitjes en gezelligheid


Goed NL (B2 en hoger), Redelijk NL (A2-B1), Weinig NL (A0-A1), Alleen Engels



Publicatie datum

5 juni 2024

Naam contactpersoon

Emily Gale



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