Home-Start: Support another mother in parenthood

Would you like to share your (life-)experience with other parents who can benefit from it? Support (new) families in making a good start by listening, offering practical help and showing recognition!

1. Taakomschrijving: job discription
Every week you visit your matched family with at least one child between 0-6 years old for 2-3 hours. So nice to have your support!

Now you are here the parent thinks: I have someone to listen to me / We can go outside together with the children / I can hear other experiences / You can help me think about what I need to arrange for my children / You see (and show me) what is going well allready / I can take a moment to breathe / You can help me discover the neighbourhood (for parents and children activities) / We can bring structure to my day together / You can help me build my network and support system / We have fun together / I feel supported / You help me unburden myself and find more enjoyment. What a relief!
Happy parents makes for happier children.
Home-Start aimes to increase the confidence as a parent and help build up a social network of support.
2. Benodigde kennis of vaardigheden: required knowledge and skills
Experience raising children (professional/personal) / capacity to empathize / respect for the norms and values of others / an understanding that raising children can be difficult / like to be around children / a possitive life-attitude / enjoy supporting and empowering others and finding strengths / interested in others.
3. Wat levert het je op: what do you get in return
You and your family share a beautifull experience. You come into contact with a different world, possibly a different culture and habits and help a family grow. Also you learn from the experience yourself. The organisation offers intervision gatherings with a fun group of volunteers, team outings, and a reimbursement of travel expenses.
You contibute to the development of parents and children. It gives satisfaction to see the progress and to see families get more resilient. You share your own life experiences and recieve appreciation in return! The contact with the other volunteers is also valuable: you support each other and learn form each other.
Preparation and supervision: You receive a three-day training and learn how to ‘coach’ another person. You practise different (conversation) skills & learn about the principles and mission of Home-Start. When you are matched to a family there are gatherings with your colleague volunteers about different themes (for example about grief and loss / loneliness / refugee families).
There will start an online-training for English-speaking volunteers on Thursday February 6, 13 and 27 from 09:30-12:30 h online.
4. Werktijden: working hours.
You spend 2-3 hours with the famliy weekly. This can be a fixed day or change weekly depending on your preference and that of the family. Generally this is during the week and during the day.
Reageer op deze vacature en we nemen contact met je op.

Vacature Kenmerken

Centrum, Nieuw-West, Noord, Oost, West, Zuid, Zuid-Oost




Buurtbewoners, Kinderen, Vluchtelingen en Statushouders, Volwassenen, Baby's en kleuters, Culturele minderheden

Wat ga je doen

Coaches en maatjes, Kinderen begeleiden, Taalondersteuning


Onkostenvergoeding, Scholing, Uitjes en gezelligheid, Persoonlijke begeleiding


Weinig NL (A0-A1), Alleen Engels



Publicatie datum

23 september 2022

Naam contactpersoon

Titia Koppers



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