Learning & Development Specialist

Sister Schools is looking for an enthusiastic and passionate Learning & Development specialist who can become part of our development team of volunteers both in Kenya & the Netherlands.

Task description:
Together with other professionals in our Research & Development department, you will develop Learning & Development opportunities. We will start working with our own Digital Educational Exchange Platform, which we can use for the exchange of information, skills, and knowledge for both the schools and the volunteers working in our organization.

Sister Schools promotes the use of technology and the development of new skills to allow students from different backgrounds to understand and learn about each other’s cultures.
You will work together with the program director, our management team in the Netherlands, and with our team in Kenya and other countries.
Working as a volunteer for Sister Schools can hopefully give you a sense of belonging and satisfaction for learning about the different realities and sharing your skills to expand the project, benefiting more students.

Skills & Qualifications:
-Relevant Education & work experience as a Learning & Development Specialist
-Vision on Digital Education Innovation & 21st-century skills
-Management experience in the field of Creating Professional Learning Communities.
-Coaching skills.
-Affinity with the mission and vision of Sister Schools
-Experience in creating the right culture for learning & development in an International and online setting

What do you get in return:
-You will be part of an international network
-You will join our monthly meetings and dinner parties
-A new potential point to add to your CV
-You work in an innovative, growing international organization
-You will work with a diverse, energetic, and motivated team towards a global goal.

It takes a global digital village to raise a 21st-century child.
Participating in a Sister Schools project means indirectly fighting poverty. Education is the most important tool to develop and empower people.
Within Sister Schools, we learn from and with each other across cultural differences. With this work, you can make a positive difference and counteract polarization.

Vacature Kenmerken

Centrum, Nieuw-West, Zuid




Jongeren, Kinderen

Wat ga je doen

Communicatie en media, Creatieve activiteiten, ICT, Onderzoek en advies, Voorlichting en lesgeven


Informatiebijeenkomst, Uitjes en gezelligheid, Persoonlijke begeleiding


Alleen Engels



Publicatie datum

23 februari 2022

Naam contactpersoon

Julia Strijland



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